History of the Federation

Date created: 1973

Has 40 members, from production to marketing

Covers approximately 90% of the brandy produced in France

FFB’s bottlers/distributors include companies such as Rémy-Cointreau, La Martiniquaise-Bardinet, La Compagnie de Guyenne, Les Grands Chais de France, William Grant & Sons, Camus, and Louis Royer.

These merchants are generally supplied by producers/wholesalers such as Lucien Bernard, UFAB, Distillerie de la Tour, Douence, Staub or Tessendier.

The sector also has a vast network of distilleries covering all of France’s wine regions, represented by the National Federation of Cooperative Viticultural Distilleries (FNDCV) and the National Union of Viticultural Distilleries (UNDV).

The FFB is dedicated to protecting the interests of brandy in France and abroad, and to steering communications about the drink.

The FFB supports the ‘French Brandy’ IGP project. A defence and management organisation will be created to independently manage the creation of the IGP.